Bandung Techno Park Ready to Realize Information Society

now in the Bandung city, the development build a tecnology center who named Bandung Techno Park. In the midst of preparations towards the government of West Java, West Java Province Cyber ​​(JCP) 2012, Institut Teknologi Telkom (Telkom IT) with the Ministry of Industry of Republic Indonesia (RI Deperind) immediately build Bandung Techno Park (BTP).The presence of BTP is expected to become the ICT (Information Communication Technology) Park that contribute to the formation of Information Society Indonesia (MII) that move the wheels of the national economy in the field of Information and Telecommunications. Responsible BTP, Ir. Tall Raharjo, MT explained,"In the meantime, there are two institutions that are prepared to be part of the BTP, the Technical Services Unit Information and Communication Technology (ICT UPT) and the Telecommunications Design Center (PDT),"Clearly, ICT Unit aims to foster and nurture small and medium industries (SMEs) in the field of ICT. In this case, Deperind provide a number of modern devices in 2007 until now. During this activity is supported by the Telematics Unit Desperindag Jabar. In 2009, IT Telkom reliable back Deperind RI to develop a Telecommunications Design Center (PDT) which will be built soon. Later, the activity of PDT is very thick with research-applied research activities."Overall, there are 8 (eight) BTP will focus area of ​​business. Namely ang Research and Development (R & D), Educational Training, Consultancy, Facility Provider, Business Mediation, Information Distribution, Certification, and Production Support, "Tall Optimistic, BTP will create technopreneur among the students. BTP Indonesia ready to realize an information society by establishing ICT personnel who are competent and competitive.Tall convey the particulars of development BTP, the first stone laying of the procession held on Tuesday (12 / 1).
"The location is in the Area of ​​Education BTP Telkom, Telecommunications Canal Street Buah Batu Bandung.Rencananya there will be six buildings to be constructed to support the BTP. Consisting of the main building, Research and Development building, training buildings, warehouse buildings and buildings for development activities. However, while this new Telkom Education Foundation was able to build one of the main building on the land area of ​​1000 square meters and access driveway along the 400 meters, with spend around 6 billion dollars. The target, BTP completed three years as a whole "he explained.Since the early leadership of the Rector of IT Telkom Ir. Husni Amani, BTP has been a dream of IT Telkom. Tall rate, BTP improve the quality and quantity of research so as to accelerate the realization of which was declared a World Class University in 2017. Meanwhile, the BTP is supported by 42 laboratories IT Telkom.According to the tall, telecommunication investment in Indonesia reached 300 trillion, and only used as much as 5% local content. To him it was very unfortunate. BTP should capture that opportunity. BTP can be a container business between academic, industry and government in the form of joint research and technology sharing. Thus, academics could contribute in the form of research that is needed by government as regulators. While the financial benefits to be gained industry as a driver of economic wheel.Similarly Tall, Director General of Telematics Applications Cahyana Ahmadjayadi in his speech stated,"The existence of BTP can already be anticipated. Given the increasing convergence of ICT technologies. Look NGN technologies, new market also has followed technology called Long Term Evolution (LTE). Even in 2015 there were 1 trillion later devices incorporated in the Internet Protocol. All of that into consideration opportunities for the world of telecommunications, "Tall asserted, BTP was not confined to IT Telkom. Other universities can also join in the BTP. Each college must have different advantages. Each edge can be combined to jointly develop a BTP. There are hundreds of creative industries in West Java. And often gets called Bandung Bandung City of Technology. Obviously, these images reinforced the BTP.At the inauguration of Telecommunications and Design Center Bandung declaration Techno ParkInstitut Teknologi Telkom (Telkom IT) held Inauguration Telecommunications Design Center, as well as declaration of Bandung Development Techno Park on Tuesday (12 / 1). The event took place at 09.30 pm in Building Learning Center IT Telkom, Telecommunications Canal Street Buah Batu Bandung.The event begins with opening and prayer. Then dipuncak ceremony, signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the Directorate General of Transport Equipment and Telematics Ministry of Industry with the Department of Industry and Commerce of West Java Province and Telkom on the establishment of the Institute of Technology Center for Telecommunications Design. Then followed by remarks and a brief description of Bandung Techno Park, greeting Rector IT Telkom, Ir. Husni Amani, MM., MSc, Message from President Director of PT. Telkom Rinaldi Firmasyah, Greeting the Governor of West Java, Director General of Transport Equipment Speech & Telematics Ministry of Industry (the Minister of Industry). Shared commitment Bandung Techno Park development is marked by laying the first stone.The plan, construction of Bandung Techno Park consists of six clusters consisting of the main building, Building R & D, Building Training (UPT Telematics), and some coaching space. The main building consists of 3 floors, standing on a land area of ​​1,000 square feet.Bandung Techno Park is an IT Telkom cooperation with the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia. While there are two institutions in the near future will be developed in Bandung Techno Park and the UPT Telematics Design Center for Telecommunications (PDT). From this cooperation, Bandung Techno Park is expected to make an important contribution in shaping the information society in Indonesia. Information society capable of managing and using information for the welfare of himself.Thus the wheels of the national economy in the field of information and telecommunications can move dynamically. Bandung Techno Park is also a catalyst in economic growth while encouraging the growth of knowledge-based economy and technology.Bandung Techno Park connects between the academic, business and government.Synergistic relationship of which will enhance the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), covering infrastructure, applications, content, context and regulation. The relationship between the academic world of business-government-in synergy in supporting the growth of local industry through technology transfer, joint research and regulatory support. Industi Growth Small-Medium Enterprises (SME)-based science will enhance the economic growth of SMEs as well as strengthening the joints of free competition in trade flows.

Now there will build it as soon as possible, and lets support them to fastest the finished of this dream Center Technology

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